Section 2.7. Achieving Confidence in Life Prediction Methodology
Since life predictions for service hardware are based on the
crack growth damage integration package, the confidence in a life prediction
value must be based on a measure of the ability for a given package to predict
measured phenomena. To support
evaluation of the damage integration package, laboratory tests are conducted
which simulate the basic features of cracked hardware. Predictions are then compared to measured
crack growth behavior. The confidence
normally associated with life predictions using a damage integration package is
derived from the ability of the package to predict the laboratory generated
crack growth behavior.
Verification of the package is normally conducted in steps
progressing from predictions of laboratory-generated fatigue crack growth data
(for which all test conditions are reasonably well characterized and
documented) to predictions of service-experienced cracking behavior. Verifying the package in steps allows for
immediate deletion of inaccurate or erroneous assumptions made in developing or
improving a given element of the package.
Since the package will be used to make life predictions where unknowns
(e.g. spectra, structural load interactions) prevail, it is essential that
confidence be established for each level of prediction capability that has been
A change of any fundamental element within the package (e.g.,
retardation model) generally requires a resubstantiation of this confidence for
the revised package. An extension of
capability, i.e., more complex geometry, would require only a substantiation
for that level of complexity. This
approach must be taken because of the substantiated influence of each of the
variables associated with the individual elements.
Only when cracking is evident from service inspections can
there be the necessary information to verify that the damage integration
package is performing satisfactorily.
The difficulty of assessing the confidence level associated with the
life prediction derived from the damage integration package results from
extrapolating the use of the package from a simple data base to the more
complex service hardware case.
Figures 2.7.1 through 2.7.3 are provided as examples to show how elements
within a package are verified. All
figures show the correlation between predicted and measured life. Figure 2.7.1
provides an evaluation of a new retardation model in which the database was a
measure of the cyclic delay subsequent to an overload. Figure 2.7.2
compares the predictions developed with the AFWAL-Willenborg-retardation model
(damage integration package to laboratory test data) which show the influences
of spectra and crack geometry changes. Figure 2.7.3 shows the evaluation of a AFWAL modified
damage integration package which accounts specifically for C-5A spectra changes
on life observed when the crack geometry is a radial corner crack growing from
an open or plugged hole.

Figure 2.7.1. Single Overload Correlation with Modified Wheeler Retardation

Figure 2.7.2. Spectrum Correlation Using the AFWAL
Willenborg-Retardation-Model (Damage Integration Package)

Figure 2.7.3. Prediction Capability of Damage Integration Package (Based on 21
Laboratory Tests Conducted at AFWAL/FIB)