AFGROW Virtual Standard Training Class

We are offering on-line standard training classes as an option for anyone who is unable to attend one of our in-person training classes. The class time each day will be divided into two 2.5-hour sessions with a 30-minute break between sessions. Homework will be assigned and reviewed to ensure that all material in our in-person standard 4-day training is covered. The details for the next virtual training opportunity are provided below.

Instructors: Mr. James A. Harter - (937)438-0300,
Mr. Alexander Litvinov - (937)438-0300,

Date: We currently do not have an upcoming Virtual Standard Training Class scheduled. If you are interested in having a training scheduled, contact LexTech at, or over the phone at 937.438.0300

Time: 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM EST, 5 hours (not including lunch break)

Class Size Limitation:This class will be limited to a maximum of 10 students to permit individual attention to each student.

Cost: $1100.00/person

Course Description: This training class begins with a practical review of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics concepts and principles along with some example applications using AFGROW.

The remainder of the class will familiarize students with the design and operation of the AFGROW crack growth life analysis program. The following topics will be addressed: AFGROW graphical user interface, spectrum management, stress intensity models, crack growth rate data, stress state effects, AFGROW preferences, advanced models, and crack initiation. Several example problems are included to gain hands-on experience with AFGROW. The class will also introduce the use of advanced features unique to AFGROW (COM automation, Advanced Multiple Crack Solutions, and Plug-In K-Solutions). We are also including a section on tips and tricks to help users model some practical complex geometries (i.e.: continuing damage scenarios).

Prior to the start of class, it is important that each student creates a login account on the AFGROW web page to download the AFGROW software prior to the class start date. You must have Administrator privileges to install AFGROW on the computer you plan to use for training. If you don’t have a permanent AFGROW license, you can use our standard 5-day free demonstration license if you install AFGROW on the day before class begins. Otherwise, please contact us so that we can issue a temporary license that will be active through the class term. Also, we will be using Microsoft Excel for some example problems and COM automation training, so please make sure that you have MS Excel on your computer.

We will send out a welcome message and virtual meeting invitations for each training session the week before the class start date. If you do not receive any messages by the Wednesday before training, please contact us.

Course Outline: (select to view class syllabus)

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