Section Derivation of Residual Strength Load
In the analysis of the intact structure, the critical damage
limit is failure of the skin panel . The mode of failure was slow growth of
either depot level inspection type damage or initial manufacturing damage
(Figure 1.3.18 and 1.3.19, respectively).
In each case, the damage is assumed to grow in a stable manner until the
critical damage size in the skin panel is reached. The critical damage size for this case would be that size at Pxx = PDM or Pxx = PLT where Pxx is bounded by
Plimit £ Pxx £ 1.2Pone lifetime
For a balance fail safe design, the remaining structure must be
capable of withstanding the effects of the major load path failing, including
the redistribution of load to adjacent members at the time of load path
failure. This is the basis for the
requirement that the remaining structure must support the Pyy residual strength load. The load Pyy
is dependent upon the design allowable for the first panel (Panel in this case).
Assume for example that the Pxx
allowable for first panel failure is exactly Plimit. The
remaining structure must be capable of supporting Plimit with adjacent panels carrying the increment or
that portion originally carried by panel
at Plimit. This is illustrated in Figure 1.3.21 where the amount of load in panel at the limit design condition, i.e. P2 is redistributed after it
is multiplied by 1.15 to account for dynamic effects (DP1+DP2+ DP3+ DP4+ DP5). The total redistribution increment then is
The residual strength capability of the remaining structure is
then checked against this condition; the Pyy
requirement for panel ® is .
Figure 1.3.21. Illustration of Redistributed Panel Load P2
to Adjacent Structure