The magnitude of the required residual strength load depends
upon the exposure time in service because the longer the exposure time, the
greater the probability of encountering a high load. Accordingly, the value of required Pxx load increases with an increase in the inspection
interval or period of unrepaired service usage (allowable crack growth
period). For the short service exposure
times between inspections for the In-Flight Evident, Ground Evident and Walk
Around Visual categories, the probability of
encountering limit load conditions is low and thus the required Pxx may be significantly
below design limit load. For the longer
exposure times between depot or base level inspections, the probability of
encountering limit load is much higher, and therefore for Depot Level and
Non-Inspectable categories, the minimum required Pxx must be at least limit load, but Pxx need not be greater than
1.2 times the maximum load in one lifetime.
The value of Pxx
is established from load spectra data derived from a mission analysis of the
particular aircraft considering average usage within each mission segment. Unless otherwise stated, MIL-A-8866 is the
basic source of load factor data for the various classes of aircraft. Since safe operation depends upon the
residual strength capability and since any individual aircraft may encounter
loads in excess of the average expected during the particular exposure time,
the Pxx load required is
larger than the average derived value.
One way to determine the level of Pxx required is to hypothetically increase the service
exposure time for the aircraft between inspections by a factor of M.
This is the method used in JSSG-2006.
The values of M are specified
in JSSG-2006 Table X, and summarized in Table 1.3.4. For example, under the ground-evident level
inspectability category, the Pxx
load is the maximum load expected to occur once in 100 flights (M x inspection interval = one flight x
1.3.4. Inspection Interval
Magnification Factors from JSSG-2006 Table X
Degree of Inspectability
Typical Inspection Interval
Magnification Factor
In-Flight Evident
One Flight
Ground Evident
One Flight
Walk-Around Visual
Ten Flights
Special Visual
One Year
Depot or Base Level
¼ Lifetime
One Lifetime
* Pxx = Minimum average interval member load that will
occur once in M times the inspection
interval. Where PDM or PLT is determined to be less than the design limit load,
the design limit load shall be the required residual strength load level. Pxx need not be greater than 1.2 times the maximum load in one lifetime if
greater than design limit load.
The basis for the specified M
values is somewhat arbitrary although it is felt that the loads derived by this
method are not unreasonably conservative.
The basis for M = 100 is
exceedance data for transport type aircraft, where it has been observed that
shifting exceedances by approximately two decades (i.e., M = 100) magnifies the value of load factor (or stress) by
approximately 1.5 (Figure 1.3.10). It was recognized that for fighter data,
exceedances approaching or exceeding design limit values are probable but that
extrapolation of the basic exceedances curve very far beyond limit load factor
(nz) is often meaningless
and unwarranted due to physical limitations of the vehicle and crew. Furthermore, in most cases actual service data
is somewhat sparse for this region of the curve. Therefore, (1) an upper limit was required on Pxx for fighter aircraft and
(2) the value of M should be less for
longer inspection intervals in order that unreasonable factors would not be
imposed should the actual derived Pxx
be less than the specified upper limit.
The values of M equal to 20
and 50 are arbitrary but probably not unreasonable. Where the derived Pxx is larger that that associated with the design limit
conditions, Pxx can
be taken as 1.2 times the maximum load expected to occur in one design

Figure 1.3.10. Illustration of Procedure to Derive M Factor to Apply to Exceedance Curve
EXAMPLE 1.3.3 Derivation
of Pxx From Exceedance
Data for Non-Inspectable Structure
The procedure for
obtaining Pxx is
illustrated using the exceedance plot shown here. This figure presents the average exceedance data for one design
lifetime. The point A represents the
maximum load expected in one lifetime; this is shown to be larger than the
limit load (Point E). For the core of a
non-inspectable structure, the twenty lifetime (Mx inspection interval) exceedance curve is obtained by
shifting the exceedance curve from point A to point B and extrapolating to
point C. The twenty lifetime exceedance
curve yields Pxx (derived)
at C. The required load Pxx then is either the value
derived at C or 1.2 ´
(load at point A) i.e., the load at point D, whichever is smaller. In this case, Pxx (= PLT
) is the load at point C.