AFGROW Version Information
The crack growth life prediction program, AFGROW,
(Air Force Grow) change list.
Version, Released: March 14, 2024
- Enhancement: Improved Advanced Model bearing width correction for through cracks when modeling combinations of part-through/through cracks at a hole
- Enhancement: Corrected the Advanced Model out-of-plane bending solution for a through-the-thickness crack for cases with a secondary crack on the opposite side of the hole. The corrected solution uses the ratio of the Classic single through crack at a hole under bending to the Classic single through crack at a hole under axial loading as the modification factor to the Advanced Model axial load solution for the through-the-thickness crack with a secondary crack on the opposite side of the hole.
- Enhancement: Increase the maxim limit for spectrum cyclic increment in the print output preferences from 10,000 cycles to 500,000.
- Bug: Output file did not include crack growth rate information for Tabular Lookup models
- Bug: For some models, the status of the option to hold a/c constant was not reported in the output file
- Bug: For double cracked advanced models, AFGROW sometimes incorrectly reported net section yield when one of the crack tips was very close to a free edge of the plate
- Bug: Significant spline oscillation errors during Advanced Model K-solution interpolation for combinations of part-through/through cracks at a hole when a/t was < 0.1
- Bug: Issue applying a polynomial stress distribution for API-579 models 5110, 5111, 5140 and 5141.
Version, Released: November 10, 2023
- Enhancement: Added an option to reset the AFGROW window layout to a post-installation configuration
- Enhancement: AFGROW migrated to Visual Studio 2022 and InstallShield 2023
- Bug: Model 1090 "Part Through Crack in Pipe" had incorrect parameter limits posted in the help documentation
- Bug: Typos in AFGROW GUI
- Bug: In the Part-Through/Through advanced crack at hole solution, there was an error in the offset correction when crack length is less than hole radius
- Bug: AFGROW did not remove some Tabular-lookup material properties from the Tree View, when a user switches to a different material model
- Bug: API 579 tabular K-solution data for models 5130 and 5131 had erroneous values
- Bug: After Running API 579 Models Through COM, AFGROW hangs in memory
- Bug: Error when calling "CalculateBetas" COM function for API 579 models
- Bug: AFGROW crashed when user opened a file from the Tabular Lookup database, converted units, and saved the converted data
- Bug: Small Error in CorLAS tm Model Failure Fracture Pressure calculations
- Bug: Unreadable notification error reported prior to executing predict when AFGROW checked the validity of input material data
- Bug: AFGROW validated Tabular Lookup data even when the Tabular Lookup material model was not selected
Spectrum Manager
- Bug: Preview Spectrum window was not showing the first level of the spectrum
- Bug: Display issue with Preview Spectrum when no spectrum values are less than or equal to zero
- Bug: Spectrum chart X-axis was offset below zero on the Y-axis
- Bug: The “Delete Sub-Spectrum” option in the popup menu was always disabled
Version, Released: June 6, 2023
- Enhancement: Added spectrum statistical information to XML output files
- Enhancement: Improved the Special Case K-solution for through cracks in a row of holes to better account for the effect of fastener loads at adjacent holes.
- Bug: Fixed multiple errors in plot file for Advanced Models. Formatting issues remain that occur after crack(s) transition or coalesce. We will continue to improve plot file formatting issues in future AFGROW releases.
- Bug: Life prediction error when API-579 models used via COM without setting any model parameters.
- Bug: Advanced internal through crack did not recalculate the crack offset when a new crack length was set.
- Bug: When adding an internal through crack using the COM interface for Advanced Models, AFGROW used the total crack length instead the half-length, and calculated the offset from the left edge of the crack, instead of the crack center.
- Bug: The constant AoC setting was lost for advanced double corner cracks at hole when the first crack transitions to a slot
- Bug: Advanced model for 2 internal through cracks sometimes crashed during transition (coalescence)
- Bug: XML output for the offset through crack model had incorrect length values for the crack tips measured from the crack center.
- Bug: Advanced corner crack at hole with a slot and bearing loading reported incorrect RoT limit notifications.
- Bug: COM library notification dialogs prevented silent AFGROW installation.
- Bug: AFGROW set residual stresses to default (1 integration point with 0 residual stress) when any model property was changed for a given model geometry.
- Bug: Error loading residual Ks for the C-direction from a dax file. The K column shifted up by one value.
- Bug: Error load “2219-T87 lab air T-L” material from the tabular lookup material database.
Version, Released: February 17, 2023
- Enhancement: Add the ability to switch between docking windows using keyboard’s CTRL Tab key combination
- Enhancement: Add the ability to switch between an object drop down list and object properties using the keyboard Shift-Tab key combination
- Enhancement: Add the ability to copy from the Output window using CTRL C
- Enhancement: Add the ability to move right to the adjacent column using the Tab key while editing values in the grid control
- Bug: AFGROW crashed for advanced models with one crack and output was directed to a plot file
- Bug: Corrected the Tab order in the Tabular Lookup dialog
- Bug: Hole Offset for Advanced Models was Set Incorrectly through COM using the SetObjectProperty function
Version, Released: January 30, 2023
- Enhancement: Advanced Model solution for combinations of corner and through cracks at a hole
- Enhancement: New 2-D Multisite Damage (MSD) solutions for multiple cracks in an infinite plate
- Enhancement: Implemented API-579 K-solutions for cylinders (22 new pressure, weight function, and polynomial based solutions)
- Enhancement: Added the CorLAS Burst Pressure Model for appropriate API-579 K-solutions
- Enhancement: Preference option for an updated finite width correction for cracks at open holes
- Enhancement: New weight function solutions for single and double through cracks at a hole
- Enhancement: Add filled unloaded hole option to advanced models
- Enhancement: Modification to AFGROW K-filtering solution
- Enhancement: Added an option for Spectrum Filtering as a function of cycle count
- Enhancement: Added the ability for AFGROW to recalculate residual K at each spectrum level
- Enhancement: Local material database for the Tabular Lookup model
- Enhancement: Add material code in the output for the NASGRO Equation
- Enhancement: New crack initiation material parameter database (35 materials)
- Enhancement: AFGROW GUI works on Hi Resolution Monitors
- Enhancement: For Plug-In interface, added option to set and get crack length related retardation parameters
- Enhancement: Make sure that AFGROW reads and uses the latest Windows icons on the host PC
- Enhancement: Allows SMF value to be negative
- Enhancement: Ability to open Tabular Lookup material data through COM interface
- Enhancement: Option to use Plug-In through COM interface
- Enhancement: Added an Output Preference for all input/output file types to use the same name and saved in the same folder
- Enhancement: Added NASGRO material ID to AFGROW output and input files
- Enhancement: Added the number of cycles for AFGROW standard/advanced predictions to the XML File
- Enhancement: Added access to retardation metadata via Plug-In interface
- Enhancement: Spectrum Manager is included in AFGROW installation
- Bug: Time dependent information was not saved in the problem definition file
- Bug: Time Dependent crack growth based on the crack length did not calculates da/dt correctly
- Bug: Unable to set transition to through crack via type (Thickness Penetration vs. K1e) for Advanced Models
- Bug: Unable to place crack on countersink knee through COM
- Bug: EnableCrackAtHoleBetaCorrection COM Example was missing a line in the COM manual
- Bug: Ensure that Advanced Model stress fractions can’t be negative
- Bug: In some cases, wrong fracture code returned by FractureInfo COM event for Advanced Models
- Bug: FractionInfo and TransitionInfo return codes did not match the documentation
- Bug: Corrected the offset correction for a double advanced corner crack at hole under bearing loading when crack on the right or left ligament was longer than the plate half width
- Bug: AGFROW calculated incorrect beta values for a crack at a hole with a slot when the hole radius to slot depth ratio was equal to the first value in the data table (0.003)
- Bug: Error in NASGRO crack growth rate model for advanced corner cracks and part-through plugins
- Bug: Impossible to set the Bending Correction factor in preference using COM
- Bug: AFGROW printed Young’s modulus and other parameters twice in output when Tabular Lookup data was selected
- Bug: GetCrackGrowthRates COM function crashed when TabularLookup material was selected
- Bug: Unable to select the CT type for WOL/CT specimen in "Model Geometry and Dimensions" dialog
- Bug: Walker Material data had an incorrect data header in the output
- Bug: COM SetRetardation function did not work with some input parameters.
- Bug: COM interface had incorrect information for SetRetardation function
- Bug: Corner Crack at countersunk hole solution crashed when residual stresses were used
- Bug: Internal Axial Crack in Thick Pipe notification triggered at the wrong moment
- Bug: Missed some “out of bounds” notifications
- Bug: Oblique Models ignored the filled unloaded hole parameter when calculating beta for the Ct direction
- Bug: Set K filtering through COM worked only for the axial load case
- Bug: When beta correction is enabled through COM and GetCrackAtHoleBetaCorrectionData is called, AFGROW reported that beta correction is not enabled
Version, Released: March 8, 2020
- Enhancement: Users may now copy data and delete selected curves in the Crack Growth Rate Data and Crack Length vs. Life plot views
- Enhancement: New plug-in interface capability to enter a table of K vs. Stress for each crack growth increment. AFGROW will linearly interpolate K from the table based on input spectrum max and min values.
- Enhancement: Transverse bending is now accounted for in net section yield calculation for all classic models without a hole. AFGROW had a warning about this limitation in the previous GUI interface.
- Enhancement: Added three new models for Axial Crack in Pipe Models: Internal, External Part-Through Cracks, and Through Crack
- Enhancement: Incorporate multi-directional crack growth rate properties for use in BAMF
- Enhancement: Added transverse bending load case for the Single Edge Corner Crack Classic Model
- Enhancement: AFGROW GUI improvements for Hi Resolution Monitors
- Bug: Resolved an issue with the NoHoleOffset COM function of the AFGROW.Application object.
- Bug: Fixed a problem with COM events that were returning wrong values for delta K and R.
- Bug: Fixed an issue for advanced models with a slot - axial and bearing load combinations were not being calculated correctly.
- Bug: Fixed issues with net section yield calculations for Advanced Models
- Bug: Correction to the Notification List for the Advanced C/S hole solution.
- Bug: Corrected a problem saving the material name for the Walker and Forman material model dialogs.
- Bug: Resolved an issue with AFGROW crashing during prediction if an oblique crack at hole model was selected.
- Bug: Corrected an a/t interpolation error for the oblique through crack beta calculation.
- Bug: Corrected a problem reading the oblique crack option for a Double Crack at Hole Classic Model.
- Bug: Fixed issues with Internal and External Circumferential Crack at Pipe Models that were not returning the correct error code when load fraction was set through the COM interface.
- Bug: Corrected a problem setting bending load fractions for Single and Double Edge Through Crack Classic Models using the COM Interface.
Version, Released: March 19, 2019
- Enhancement: New bearing and bending load case solutions for a through crack at a hole with a slot on the other side (continuing damage model)
- Enhancement: New bearing load case solution for a corner crack at a hole with a slot on the other site (continuing damage model)
- Enhancement: Added the ability to report the amount of crack growth (percentage) caused by tagged spectrum levels as well as each sub-spectrum
- Bug: AFGROW crashed when “CalculateBeta” COM function was used
- Bug: When a model was switched to Plugin, the stress ratio did not reset the default parameters
- Bug: AFGROW with a plugin model crashed when output to XML file was selected
- Bug: When "Transition Option” was set to “KIe” and an advanced single corner crack at a hole model was selected, the crack transitioned immediately to a through crack
- Bug: Weight Function Y direction table was not always updated when the number of sets was changed
- Bug: When the residual stress K option was selected, the entered K values were shifted up one position
- Bug: Error in crack initiation calculations for multi-level spectra
- Bug: Spectrum title was missing in the *.pl2 file when variable amplitude spectra were used
Version, Released: October 19, 2018
- Enhancement: Added the ability to use residual stresses for advanced models with crack(s) at a hole
- Enhancement: Made significant improvements to the residual stress Gaussian integration routine
- Enhancement: Added the ability for AFGROW to provide COM interface information at runtime
- Bug: Resolved a crack Initiation issue for high cycle fatigue (interpolation error)
- Bug: Ultimate Strength value for Tabular Lookup model may not be set through the COM interface
- Bug: Resolved an issue where AFGROW sometimes used the wrong NASGRO K* value for Advanced and Plugin models
- Bug: Added a block size variable to ConstAmplitudeSpectrum COM method
- Bug: Delta K threshold and Yield Strength for the tabular lookup material model are no displayed in the Tree Status view
- Bug: Resolved an issue where the K* parameter for the NASGRO equation was not recalculated correctly when any model without a hole was selected through the COM interface
- Bug: Resolved an issue with sub-spectra plotting in the spectrum view
- Bug: AFGROW now displays the spectrum pass count on the status bar
- Bug: Resolved an issue reading a saved Forman material model file
- Bug: Resolved an issue with the 2-D Beta correction table becoming 1-D after through crack transition
- Bug: Resolved an issue where the option to output after each beta calculation was not being saved in the input file
- Bug: The filled, unloaded hole correction is now applied to the a-direction for part-through cracks
Version, Released: March 4, 2018
- Bug: The “Constrained” option for a classic edge crack could not be set using COM
- Bug: Under certain conditions, a corner crack at the base of a C/S (knee) model could go into an endless loop
- Bug: Spectrum title was missing in the *.pl2 file
- Bug: The H/W value was not being calculated/reported correctly in the Notification frame for a "single edge crack in a finite height plate" model
Version, Released: December 6, 2017
- 64 bit version
- Multilingual support
- Ability to use different material data as a function of spectrum level
- Ability to apply different material data to different crack directions
- Corrosion Effects
- Exfoliation
- Intergranular
- Pitting
- Added a new spectrum format that supports above changes and future enhancements
- Ability to open read only material data from the network or online folder. System administrator managed feature.
- Option to control the % of the axial load solution that is used to approximate the out-of-plane bending solution for straight through the-thickness cracks:
- Classic edge crack
- Classic double edge crack
- Classic through crack
- All advanced cracks where bending was not previously available (except the crack at slot model)
- New solution for a corner crack at the countersink knuckle
- Bearing and Bending solution for advanced through crack(s) at a hole
- Capability to use the current 2-D User-Defined Beta Model for 2, interdependent through cracks that can be assigned different plate thickness values
- Single edge crack model with the finite height
- Added global “Constrained” property for advanced model in-plane bending (only applicable for notch solutions).
Version, Released: November 28, 2015
- Enhancement: Classic corner crack at a lug model tabular data improvements, please see our presentation for more information
- Bug: Advanced model COM interface crashed when certain objects (hole or unattached crack) was deleted
- Bug: Impossible to set beta correction for the advanced through crack at hole through COM API
- Bug: No residual K information was available (for each output interval) in the output file when a plugin model was used
- Bug: AFGROW crashed when a problem definition title length was greater than 80 characters
Version, Released: May 20, 2015
- Enhancement: When advanced corner crack(s) at a hole transitions to become a through crack or a slot, the stress fraction changes to 1 for the Axial, and 0 for Bearing and Bending load cases. This is necessary because AFGROW does not currently have the Bending and Bearing solutions for he advanced through crack or slot geometries.
- Enhancement: Added the bending load case to the advanced countersank hole with corner crack(s) model.
- Enhancement: Added the PrePredictTest function to the AfgrowBetaPlugin Interface. The function is intended to be used to test for errors prior to the start of a prediction. If this function returns true, AFGROW will continue the prediction. If function returns false, AFGROW will abort the prediction. The function has one parameter (string). When the function returns false, AFGROW will display the string in the error description dialog.
- Bug: In the initiation dialog, the read from file option for the Cyclic Stress-Strain data dialog crashed if the user selected the wrong file type.
- Bug: Initiation was not converting the stress-strain data when units were changed.
- Bug: Problem in the NASGRO material model com interface. DK0, Cth, dP, dQ were not always set correctly using the COM interface.
- Bug: AFGROW crashed when a large residual stress table was used (>25).
- Bug: AFGROW crashed when large tables for time dependent data were used (>25).
- Bug: In the Advanced model interface, when a hole is located between two internal through-cracks, the right through crack jumped to the left side of the hole after transitioning to the hole.
- Bug: Crashed when a slot was added to a countersunk hole with a corner crack on the left. Note: A slot is currently not allowed at a C/S hole, so the fix simply prevents the condition.
- Bug: The solution for the External Circumferential Crack in a Pipe was not calculated correctly.
- Bug: Tabular Lookup file opened incorrectly if the first character in the Material Name was a numeric value.
- Bug: The net section area for the 2-d crack in a pipe was calculated incorrectly.
- Bug: When a document was closed, the "New" Menu button was disabled.
- Bug: Crack disappeared when an internal through-crack transitioned to the hole with an attached crack on the opposite side (related to bug fix #9).
- Bug: AFGROW crashed when a through crack transitioned to the hole with a crack on the opposite side.
- Bug: Slot with corner crack can have only axial loading, AFGROW displays all 3 types of loading.
- Bug: AFGROW crashed when the model was switched from Plug-in to Standard solutions.
- Modification: Disabled the K-solution filter for plug-in models (plug-in models include the K-solution inherently).
- Bug: Status Page went blank when a large user-defined beta table was entered (>25).
- Enhancement: Print version number of the plug-in model in the text and XML output files.
- Bug: AFGROW crashed when the "No repair" option was selected in the repair menu.
- Bug: For Advanced models with multiple holes, it was impossible to place a slot to the right of the last hole from the left side (right side of the specimen).
- Bug: The “filter compression” check box in the Load tab for classic crack models with holes did not work.
- Bug: Incorrect notifications were provided for the corner cracked hole and slot models during predictions.
- Bug: Environment dialog crashed when an environment data file was opened.
- Bug: A second corner crack could not be added to any hole other than the first hole from the left side of the specimen.
- Bug: Could not set an XML output file name with the COM API.
- Bug: It was impossible to use the beta correction capability in the Advanced Model Interface for a through crack at a hole.
- Bug: Plug-in models did not output string parameters correctly (output was a numeric value).
- Bug: AFGROW plug-in model crashed when more than one crack was deleted.
- Bug: AFGROW predicted no growth for an Advanced, single corner cracked hole with an axial stress fraction of zero when a slot was placed on the other side of the hole.
- Bug: AFGROW crashed reading an input file with tabular crack initiation data.
Version, Released: July 25, 2014
- AFGROW crashed when the tabular lookup model was set using COM with more than 2 R-values
- Bug fix for a crash in the advanced interface when the bearing load fraction was > 0 for a double, corner cracked hole.
- AFGROW would send output data to the screen for advanced interface when the option "output to the screen" was turned off.
Version, Released: May 15, 2014
- Fixed the “SHIFT+F1 Help” in AFGROW. SHIFT+F1 Help invokes a special “Help mode” in which the cursor turns into a Help cursor. The user can then select a visible object in the user interface, such as a menu item, toolbar button, or window. This action opens the appropriate help topic for the selected item.
- Made additional updates to the AFGROW Help content.
- Fix a bug when AFGROW would crash when the "stop crack at part through transition" propagation preference was selected for the advanced models.
- Removed the outdated limit of 30 growth rates that was shown in the tabular lookup dialog.
- Fixed a bug where user could not set the bending constraint for the slot case
- Fixed an issue adding a corner crack to the hole with a slot.
- Fixed an issue where AFGROW would crash when reading a dax file with the tabular lookup data that not include data for R=0.
- Fixed an issue where AFGROW would randomly crash when “countersunk crack at hole” and “output to file” options were selected.
- Added support for Office 2013
Version, Released: February 17, 2014
- New Countersunk Hole Solution for Single/Double Symmetric Corner Cracks (Axial Load Cases only)
- Expanding the Advanced Corner Cracked Tabular Solutions to Zero Crack Length (Interpolation)
- Improved Offset Hole Solution for Bearing Loading
- Updated Solution for a Single Through Crack at a Hole Under Bearing Loading
- Expanded User-Defined Data Tables (virtually unlimited)
- Warning Messages When K-Solution Limits are Exceeded
- Improved COM & Plug-In Features
- New GUI with the Ability to Move/Dock Frames
- New Crack Closure Factor for the part throught cracks
- New predict preference, that Pxx from affecting the transition from part-through to through crack
- Fixed bug, when AFGROW would crash processing long spectra
Version, Released: May 1, 2011
- Support for Office 2010
- Ability to lock AFGROW license on the dongle
Version, Released: July 26, 2010
- Bug fix for standard single ende through crack. The option to perform life predictions for edge crack cases where the in-plane bending is constrained was ignored.
Version, Released: July 14, 2010
- Fix bug that would cause crash under specific conditions.
Version, Released: Jun 14, 2010
- Bug fix for Pxx (residual strength requirement). The Pxx capability was not working correctly when a Beta Correction was applied.
- Bug fix for the advanced models with offset crack at hole bearing offset correction calculation.
Version, Released: Jun 2, 2010
- Bug fix for Pxx (residual strength requirement). The Pxx capability was not functioning correctly due to changes in Version 5 that allow for independent compression and tension beta values.
- Bug fix for COM output of crack length information for advanced, offset through cracks. There was no problem with the standard output.
Version, Released: May 20, 2010
- Spectrum filtering capability to allow users to modify spectrum tension and compression stress or load values independently
- Stress intensity filtering capability to permit beta values for axial, bending, and bearing loading to be modified independently for tensile or compression loading.
- A new stress intensity solution for continuing damage cracking. Corner or through cracks may be modeled at an edge notch of any depth (axial load case only).
- Corrected the solution for cracks at offset holes growing toward the far edge of a plate.
- Additions to the COM interface to allow beta corrections to be applied to all crack tips for advanced models.
- Disabled the bonded repair capability. The capability is available in the U.S., but an export license is required outside of the U.S.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes including a memory leak fix for advanced double, internal through cracks
User input was instrumental in bringing about this release.
It would be next to impossible to find all bugs, major or minor, without the
user base giving us their comments and suggestions. We encourage all our users
send us
their comments and suggestions.
Previous Releases
Version 4.0012.15, Released: Aug 29, 2008
- Addition of advanced K-solutions for non-symmetric corner cracks under bearing & bending
- Advanced, multiple point K-solution for non-symmetric corner cracks under tension, bearing, & bending
- Corrections to classic single, double part and through-cracked holes under bearing loading
- Capablity to change parameters (except geometric parameters) during an analysis using COM
- Ability to use beta correction factors for advanced cracks at a hole
- Minor correction in the K-solution for the outside crack tips for 2 thru cracks in a plate. Only changes for (C1+C2)/d > 0.9
- K-solution correction for a surface cracked plate in bending
- K-Solution correction for the advanced (non-symmetric) through-crack(s) at a hole solution
- K-Solution correction for the surface cracked pipe solution (c-direction correction)
- Bug fix - Unable to set ultimate strength in table look-up for use w/FASTRAN
- Included a stylesheet (.xsl) to convert xml input/output files to Word format
- New HTML help format
- Note: 1MB RAM is required for the advanced multiple point solutions
Version 4.0011.14, Released: Jun 29, 2006
- Fixed a problem that was causing AFGROW to run
significantly slower than earlier versions for many cases. This was a result
of changes that had been made to accomodate crack IDs for the multiple crack
- Bug fix for FASTRAN retardation model. The FASTRAN model was not
developed to be used for multiple crack (offset cracks) cases in which it is
necessary to independently calculate crack growth for multiple crack tips.
- Expanded COM capabilities
- Additions and improvements to the on-line help
- Minor bug fixes and interface modifications
Version 4.0010.13, Released: Feb 03, 2006
- Modified the K-Solutionn for the bearing load case for the Single/double
corner & surface cracked classic models. The new solutions Were revised after much
work had been done to compare the old through crack solutions to detailed FE
analyses. The part-through cases were modified using the Newman-Raju equations
along with a bearing load correction.
- Modified the K-Solutions for the Corner and Through-the-Thickness
Classic lug models. These new solutions are based entirely on detailed lug FEMs.
The resulting solutions are a combination of curve fit and table look-up using
these data.
- Added a feature to the predict, preferences menu to allow users to select
the pin loading boundary conditions used in the FEM for the Classic lug solutions.
The default condition is to use the cosine load distribution for the corner crack
until the crack reaches 70% of the thickness, then transition to the Spring boundary
condition when the crack reaches 80% of the thickness. The through crack case
default is the Spring boundary condition (see the help for more information.
- Added the ability for users to develop Plug-In K-Solutions and select them
from the model menu, under the "Plug-In" option. Drawing tools have also been added
to AFGROW so that the user-defined plug-in models may be animated in the annimation
- Expanded COM capabilities
- Additions and improvements to the on-line help
- Minor bug fixes and interface modifications
Version 4.0009e.12, Released: Sep 20, 2004
- Bug fix for the NASGRO Equation (DKthreshold variable
was being calculated as Kmax(threshold) when R < 0). For all rate models
(except the Forman equation), AFGROW uses Kmax in place of Delta K. As a
result, we were inadvertantly using Kmax(threshold) in the NASGRO equation
when we should have converted back to Delta K for use in the NASGRO
equation. This bug fix was included in version 4.0008.12.11, but was
re-introduced in version 4.0009.12. We apologize for our error here.
- Bug fix for the CalculateBetas feature in the COM module.
- Bug fix for RunFrozPredict in the COM module
- Bug fix in the Forman equation when the Willenborg or Hsu model is used.
The Willenborg and Hsu models update the effective stress ratio based
on Kmax and Kmin. This happens after the Kmax and Kmin values are
initially computed. The updated stress ratiois not being passed to the
Forman equation.
- Additions and improvements to the on-line help
- Minor bug fixes and interface modifications
Version 4.0009.12, Released: Jun 7, 2004
- Added the FASTRAN retardation model
- Added the Hsu retardation model
- Expanded the table-lookup database for the classic
oblique crack solution
- New Advanced Tabular Solution for double, unsymmetric
corner cracks at a hole (tension, bending, and bearing loading)
- Bug fix for the classic single and double corner cracked hole
model (bending load case)
- Changed the position and crack length definitions in the Advanced
Models (Multiple Crack) Interface. The position of an object is now measured
from the left edge of the plate to the center of the object. Crack lengths are
now consistent with the Classic Model Interface. Interal crack lengths in the
c-direction are half-lengths, a-dimensions are full lengths, cracks attached
to holes are measured from the hole edge.
- XML Input/Output
- Ability to drag and drop input files to the AFGROW interface
- Allow the use of a single stress ratio in the table
look-up growth rate model (required for the FASTRAN retardation model)
- Advanced (multiple crack) models now accessible through COM
- Added the ability for users to turn off the compression adjustment in
the Willenborg retardation model
- Added the ability to enter an initial opening stress directly in the closure
retardation model
- Bug fix in the user-defined beta and residual stress table interpolation
- Additions and improvements to the on-line help
- Minor bug fixes and interface modifications
Version 4.0008.12.11, Released: Jun 20, 2003
- Bug fix for the NASGRO Equation (DKthreshold variable
was being calculated as Kmax(threshold) when R < 0). For all rate models
(except the Forman equation), AFGROW uses Kmax in place of Delta K. As a
result, we were inadvertantly using Kmax(threshold) in the NASGRO equation
when we should have converted back to Delta K for use in the NASGRO
- Bug fix for time dependent spectra (time for the last
cycle in each sub-spectra file was added twice)
- Bug fix for part-through to through crack transition.
AFGROW prints the part-through and through crack dimensions at transition for
the same number of cycles (to show the starting point for the growth of the
through crack. As a result, AFGROW was actually adding cycles twice for the
stress level ocurring at the time of transition.
- The K-Solution for two, symmetric cracks at a hole
(both classic and 2-crack models) was updated to solve a problem for short
crack lengths where the solution was slightly less than the single crack case.
The new curve fit being used was also refined using additional FEM and
published data. The difference is not large, but will be noticeable in terms
of the predicted life.
- Solved a minor bug in the 2-crack interface which
caused the code to crash when the plate with was changed before any cracks
or holes were added
- Corrected a bug in the status view (bending stress
ratio was incorrectly displayed as the bearing stress ratio)
Version 4.0007.12.11, Released: Feb 19, 2003
- Fixed a bug in the double, symmetric, surface crack
K-solution. A few years ago, the finite width correction for all cracked
hole models was modified and the new factor was multiplied instead of
divided as was previously done (since, the old correction was a secant
function (1/cos())). The new factor had been inadvertently divided (copy
and paste error). This was the only model affected by this error.
- Updated the new finite width correction for all cracked
hole K-solutions. This is a VERY minor change and will not be noticeable for
nearly all cases. It simply reflects the latest curve fit (which had been
included in the manual, but not in the code).
Version: 4.0006.12.11, Released: Feb 5, 2003
- Added significant improvements and bug fixes to the
closure model.
- Fixed a significant bug in the implementation of the
NASGRO equation. When R > 0, the equation for Kop/Kmax was incorrectly
- Fixed an indexing bug in the interpolation routine
used for beta correction as a function of crack length.
- Modified the COM interface to allow growth rate
information to be extracted as a function of Delta K (or Kmax if R < 0).
- Minor typo/spelling fixes, updated Users Guide and
Technical Manual, and updated the Dispatch Interface (COM) Manual.
Version: 4.0005.12.10, Released: Jul 24, 2002
- Included the ability to add holes to the Two
Crack Model option to allow life prediction to first failure for one or
two through cracks growing from or toward holes.
- Fixed a bug in the critical crack length routine
that could cause AFGROW to hang (infinite loop) for some very limited
- Releasing a new version of the cycle counting
routine to force the program to do a better job of capturing overal
maximum or minimum levels when they may only be counted as a partial
- Fixed a minor bug in the crack length vs. cycle
plotting routine to allow users to change the legend.
- Minor typo/spelling fixes and updated Users Guide and
Technical Manual.
Version: 4.0004.12.10, Released: May 31, 2001
- Added the ability to start a life analysis from any
point in an input loading spectrum - only available using a COM client
program. The function is: SetStartPredictFromCycle(double dCycleNumber)
- Added a COM function to obtain spectrum information.
The function is: long GetSpectrumInfo (double* dCycles, double* dLevels,
double* dSubspectra, double* dMaxValue, double* dMinValue)
- Added the ability to save an input file (*.da3) from
a COM client program. The function is: SaveProblemDefFile(BSTR strFileName)
- Fixed a bug in the output interval option which could
cause AFGROW to fail to print output for several intervals immediately after
transition from a part-thru to a through-the-thickness crack.
- Minor typo/spelling fixes and updated the Dispatch
Interface (COM) Manual.
Version: 4.0003.12.9, Released: Feb 09, 2001
- Added the ability to plot crack growth curves for
multiple crack dimensions.
- Added the ability to generate a beta table for a
matrix of user-defined crack lengths using the COM server.
- Added an option to output life in hours from the
COM server.
- Corrected a minor bug in the beta solution for
single and double corner cracked holes. This bug would appear in rare
cases when a/c is <= 1.
- Minor typo/spelling fixes, updated the on-line
help, and changed the overlay icon in the crack growth plot view.
Version: 4.0002.12.8, Released: Sep 26, 2000
- Added the ability to view spectrum exceedance
- Fixed a bug in the crack growth plot in cases
where there are a LARGE number of cycles.
- Fixed a bug in the animation frame when changing
from English to Metric units.
- Fixed a bug in cases where an environment file
was saved inside the AFGROW input file (the full path was not being
read correctly when it contained spaces).
- Included a new version of the cycle counting
tool with bug fixes and updated help infomation.
- AFGROW will now print out large numbers of
cycles (up to 9,999,999,999,999) and/or small crack lengths as required
without truncation or overflow problems.
- Corrected spelling errors in the status view.
Version: 4.0001.11.8, Released: May 19, 2000
- Changed the default angle for the corner cracked
lug to be consistant with the angles used for the corner cracked hole
in a plate.
- Corrected spelling errors in the status view, and
updated the on-line help.
Version:, Released: April 24, 2000
- Added the capability to perform life prediction
for 2 independent through cracks. A drag and drop capability has been
created to aid in the design of the 2-crack model. A properties dialog
has also been added to support this new capability.
- Added time dependent crack growth capability.
- Changed the default angle for the C-direction
(corner cracked hole) from 0 to 5 degrees. Included an option to change
the parametric angles used to determine K in the A and C direction for
part through cracks (located in the registry).
- Added the capability to zoom in and out on the specimen
- New grid control is used in all dialogs which require
tabular input.
- Updated the on-line help for the new two-crack
- This version is the first version that has been
built using Microsoft Visual C++ Version 6.