This subsection outlines the calculation of parameters involved
in the J-Integral. Consideration
is given to W, , and G
as well as the choice of material stress-strain behavior.
The strain energy density W
in Equation 2.2.34 is given by
and for generalized plane stress
In Equation 2.2.34, the second integral involves the scalar
product of the traction stress vector and the vector whose components are
the rate of change of displacement with respect to x. The traction vector is
given by
and the displacement rate vector is given by
where u and v are the displacements in the x and y directions, respectively.
Typically, when evaluating the J-Integral value via
computer, rectangular paths such as the one illustrated in Figure 2.2.14 are chosen. Noted on Figure 2.2.14 are the values
of the outward unit normal components and the ds path segment for the four straightline segments. For loading symmetry about the crack axis
(x-axis), the results of the integration on paths 0-1, 1-2 and 2-3 are equal to
the integrations on paths 6-7, 5-6 and 4-5, respectively. Thus, for such loading symmetry, one can
Figure 2.2.14. Rectangular Path for J Calculation
For paths of the type shown in Figure
2.2.14, the J-Integral can be
evaluated by the integrations indicated in Equation 2.2.41. The strain energy density W, appearing in Equation 2.2.41, is
given by Equation 2.2.37, or by Equation 2.2.38 for plane stress
conditions. To integrate according to
Equations 2.2.37 or 2.2.38, a relationship between stresses and strains is
required. For material exhibiting
plastic deformations, the Prandtl-Reuss equations provide a satisfactory
relationship. For the case of plane
stress, when the Prandtl-Reuss relations are introduced into Equation 2.2.38,
Equation 2.2.38 becomes
where and are the equivalent
stress and equivalent plastic strain, respectively. The strain energy density will have a unique value only if
unloading is not permitted. If loading
into the plastic range followed by unloading is permitted, then W becomes
multi-valued. It follows that J is also multi-valued for this
The statements made in the preceding paragraph would appear to
seriously limit the use of J as a
fracture criterion since the case of loading into the plastic range followed by
unloading (i.e., the case for which J
is multi-valued) occurs when crack extension takes place. On the basis of a number of examples, Hayes
[1970] deduced that monotonic loading conditions prevail throughout a cracked
body under steadily increasing load applied to the boundaries, provided that
crack extension does not occur. Thus,
valid J calculations can be performed
for this case.