Section 4.5.6. Methodology Basis for Stiffened Panel Example Problem

Figure 4.5.16. Riveted Panel with a Central Crack Between
Two Stringers
In this subsection, the specific details are covered which are
associated with conducting the stress-intensity factor analysis as well as the
analysis to determine the stresses in the stringers and fastener loads. To simplify the detailed calculations, it is
assumed that only one fastener (rivet) on either side of the crack is active,
as shown in Figure 4.5.17 and that this rivet is
assumed to be rigid. Thus, there is
only one unknown fastener force F
transferred between the stringers and the skin by this rivet.

Figure 4.5.17. Stiffened Structure Broken into Components
Typically, the analysis proceeds by splitting up the structure
shown in Figure 4.5.16 into its component parts as
shown in Figure 4.5.17. The unknown force F can
be calculated from the displacement compatibility condition between the skin
and the stringer. The complicated
expressions which correspond to the displacements Vs, VF, and VP due to the applied stress, s,
the fastener force F and the
distributed pressure P(x),
respectively, can be obtained using a procedure suggested by Westergaard [1939]
and by Love [1944]. The detailed
discussions on the methods of obtaining the required relationships are
presented by Broek [1974]. The
necessary relationships for Vs, VF, Vp and Vst
(displacement in the stringer) are given as:









The geometric variables r, r1,
r2, q1, q2
and q are shown in Figure 4.5.18.
The displacement compatibility condition requires equal displacements in
corresponding points of sheet and stringer; it yields the following equation to
calculate the unknown fastener force F.

Figure 4.5.18. Geometrical and Displacement Parameters
Relative to the Crack Tip
Vs + VF +
Vp = Vst
substituting the expressions 4.5.6 - 4.5.9 for Vs,
VF, Vp, and Vst
in the above relationship, and reassembling, we get

The next step is to obtain an expression for the
stress-intensity factor for the entire stiffened panel configuration. Using superposition, the stress-intensity
factor is obtained as the sum of the stress-intensity factors for the three
cases shown in Figure 4.5.17. It can easily be seen that for Case I: K
= sÖpa and for Case II: K = 0. The stress-intensity
factor (K) for Case III is a fairly
complicated expression and it is given by,



are normalized with
respect to the rivet pitch. The
estimation of KIII
requires solution of the above integrals by numerical methods. Replacing the fastener force F by the expression and rearranging the
expression for KIII, the
stress-intensity factor K for the
stiffened panel then becomes



The stress-intensity factor K
can be finally expressed in the following form,


To calculate K for a given stiffened panel the values of Fs, fF, fp,
fst, and l1
have to be obtained. These variables
are numerically calculated and plotted as shown in Figures
4.5.19 to 4.5.23 for various values of
. For the given
example data, we can now construct the residual strength diagram using the
values obtained from these plots.

Figure 4.5.19. Normalized Panel Displacement Function (fs /p) Due to Applied Stress
vs. Normalized Crack Length (a/p) for
Various Stringer Spacing (s=S/p)

Figure 4.5.20. Panel Displacement Function Due to Fastener
Force vs. Normalized RivetDiameter (d/p)
for All Stiffener Spacings

Figure 4.5.21. Normalized Panel Displacement Function (Fp /p) Due to Crack
Distributed Pressure Along Crack vs. Normalized Crack Length (a/p) for Various Stringer Spacings (s=s/p)

Figure 4.5.22. Stringer Displacement Function vs.
Normalized Rivet Diameter (d/p) for
Various Half-Stringer Widths

Figure 4.5.23. Parameter l1 Vs. Normalized Crack Length (a/p) for Various Normalized Stringer
Spacings (s/p)
For a critical crack size (2a)
of 4.0 inch, what is the fracture strength and for an operating stress of 20
ksi, what is the critical crack size?

Structural Geometry and Material Properties for Example 4.5.1
The first step is to obtain the stress-intensity factor by
means of Equation 4.5.21 that involves the parameters l1
and l2. For various crack lengths, these two
variables can be calculated using Equation 4.5.20. The calculations involve the values of fs, fF, fp,
fst and l
which are obtained from the plots for various values of
for the given
= 20 and d/p = 3/16. Knowing the values of l1
and l2, the
geometric parameter b
can be estimated from Equation 4.5.22.
It is then straightforward to obtain the K vs. a plot by
substituting the sets of values of a
and b in the
stress-intensity factor equation (K = sbÖpa)
for a particular value of the applied stress s. The
corresponding K vs. a plot is shown for s
= 5, 10, and 15 ksi. This figure shows
that the stress-intensity factor decreases rapidly when the crack approaches
the stringer. The figure also shows the
effect of stringer to panel thickness ratio on the stress-intensity factor.

Stress Intensity Factor Diagram for Panel and Riveted
The next step is to apply a failure criterion to evaluate the
fracture stresses, scr,
for various crack sizes. Assuming that
the material exhibits negligible subcritical crack growth, the fracture
toughness failure criterion (K = Kcr)
based on the plane stress condition can then be applied. For K
= Kc in Equation 4.5.12, sf
can be evaluated for a particular crack size and the corresponding b which was obtained through Equation 4.5.22. The residual strength diagram, i.e., the
plot of sf vs. ac for the given data (Kc = 65 ksiÖin),
is shown in the following figure.

Strength Diagram for Panel and Riveted Stringers (Light Stringers)
The residual strength curves of the fastener and stiffeners are
obtained by combining the equations for fastener failure and the equations
stringer failure. The corresponding
equations are given by:
where l
is a function of a, and the values of
l for various crack
lengths can be obtained using the Equation 4.5.16. To obtain this Equation 4.5.24, note that the maximum stringer
load (Pmax) is the source of the fastener force (F = sl) and the remote stringer force (sAs). The composite residual strength diagram as
shown in the figure above contains the three
failure curves corresponding to panel, stringer, and fastener. The stringer failure curve corresponds to a = 1 (light stringer).
For the crack length given (2a = 4 inches), the corresponding residual strength is found from
the figure for a half crack length (a)
of 2 inches. Point A in this figure
identifies the skin failure condition which occurs at a stress level of 25.9
ksi. For the operating stress level of
20 ksi, the panel can be effective without catastrophic failure for cracks with
length less than the critical crack (acr)
of 3.4 inch (note 2acr =
6.8 inch). If the panel develops a
crack less than acr, it
will not fail by unstable crack growth.
However, for any other crack size which is equal or
Assume that the panel develops a crack of size acr. At point B in the figure, the crack extends
rapidly. When the rapidly extending
crack becomes 15 inches, the stress level in the stiffener (point C) reaches
its critical value and the stiffener fails.
Due to the stiffener failure, the stiffener becomes ineffective, leading
to the total failure of the panel without any crack arrest possibilities.
In the next figure, the stiffener failure curve is plotted for
a strong stiffener with a =
4 (the stiffener thickness if “assumed” four times the panel thickness). If the panel develops a crack size acr, the crack will extend
rapidly from point D to point E as shown in the next figure. At point E, the fastener fails, leading to
an ineffective stringer (loads are no longer transferred to the stringer). Thus, the failure of the panel is
unavoidable and the unstable crack growth without effective crack arrest leads
to the total failure of the structure.

Strength Diagram for Panel and Riveted Stringers
(Heavy Stringers)