The sequencing effect due to retardation is largely dependent
on the ratio between the highest and lowest loads in the spectrum and their
frequency of occurrence. As a result,
it will depend upon spectrum shape.
Compare, for example, the fighter spectrum with the transport spectrum
in Figure 5.4.6. The relatively few
high loads in the transport spectrum may cause a more significant retardation
effect than the many high loads in the fighter spectrum.
The selection of the highest loads in the load history is
critical to obtain a reliable crack growth prediction. It was argued in Section 5.4 that it is not
realistic to include loads that occur less frequently than about 10 times in
1,000 flights, because some aircraft in the force may not see these high
loads. This means that the spectrum is
clipped at 10 exceedances. No load cycles
are omitted. Only those higher than the
clipping level are reduced in magnitude to the clipping level. The effect of clipping on retardation and
crack growth life was illustrated in Figure 5.2.4.
The question remains whether proper selection of a realistic
clipping level is as important for a crack-growth prediction as it is for an
experiment. In this respect, it is
important to know which retardation model is the most sensitive to clipping
level. As pointed out above, the
sensitivity may also depend upon spectrum shape. The effects can be determined by running crack growth
calculations for different clipping levels, different spectrum shapes, and with
two retardation models.
Calculations were made for the six spectra shown in Figure
5.4.6, by using the flight-by-flight history developed in Example 5.4.2. The cycles in each flight were ordered in a
low-high-low sequence. Figure 5.5.4 shows the crack growth curves for the full
spectra using the Willenborg model, and Figure 5.5.5
shows the curves using the Wheeler model.
The crack configuration was a corner crack from a hole, as indicated in
the figures. A limit load stress of 35
ksi was used for all spectra, and the material was 2024-T3 aluminum.

Figure 5.5.4. Spectrum Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior Willenborg Retardation

Figure 5.5.5. Spectrum Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior Wheeler Retardation Model
Subsequently, four significantly different spectra (A, B, C,
and E) were selected. Crack growth
curves were calculated using the clipping levels S2, S3,
S4, and S5 in Example 5.4.2. The resulting crack growth curves for one
spectrum are presented in Figure 5.5.6. Also shown is a curve for a linear analysis
(no retardation). The crack growth life
results for all spectra are summarized as a function of clipping level in Figure 5.5.7.
Test data for gust spectrum truncation are also shown. Some characteristic numbers are tabulated in
Table 5.5.2 for the four spectra as a function of
crack growth model.

Figure 5.5.6. Effect of Clipping Level on Calculated Crack Growth for Spectrum
5.5.2. Characteristic Value for
the Four Spectra of Figure 5.5.6
Linear Analysis (Flights)
Retardation Life (Flights)
Willenborg Fully Retarded
m = 2.3
▲ Willenborg
● Willenborg
○ Wheeler
■ Willenborg
□ Wheeler
B-1 Class Bomber
▽ Wheeler
C Transport

Figure 5.5.7. Effect of Clipping for Various Spectra
5.5.4 through 5.5.7 allow the following
The two retardation models predict largely different
crack growth lives for all spectra, except C.
The differences are not systematic.
Since there are no test data for comparison, the correct answers are not
With one exception, the two models essentially predict
the same trend with respect to clipping levels. This shows that they both have equal capability to treat
The steep spectra (fighter, trainer) are somewhat more
sensitive to clipping level.
Apparently, the damage of the high cycles outweighs their retardation
With extreme clipping, the analysis attains more the
character of a linear analysis, indicating that the largest amount of damage in
the linear analysis comes from the large number of smaller amplitude cycles.
Bringing the clipping level down from 10 exceedances
per 1,000 flights (top data points in Figure 5.5.7)
to 100 exceedances per 1,000 flights (second row of data points in Figure 5.5.7) reduces the life by only 15 percent or
less for all spectra.
In addition, crack growth calculations were made to re-predict
the gust spectrum test data shown in Figure 5.5.7. The results are presented in Figure 5.5.8 where the calculated results are shown to
be very conservative. However, with one
exception, they would all fall within the scatter-band of Figure 5.2.4. The baseline data used were worst case
upper-bound da/dN data. This can easily account for a factor of two
in growth rates. If the growth rates
were reduced by a factor of two, the calculations would be very close to the
test data (dashed line in Figure 5.5.8).

Figure 5.5.8. Calculated and Experimental Data for Gust
Spectrum Clipping [Schijve, 1970; 1972]
One important thing has been disregarded so far. As shown in Figure 5.2.1, compressive
stresses reduce retardation (compare curves B and C). Omission of the ground-air-ground (GAG) cycle in the experiments
by Schijve (1970) shown in Figure 5.5.8 increased
the life by almost 80 percent. Apart
from the GAG cycle, there are other compressive stresses in the spectrum. All compressive stress effects were ignored
in the crack growth calculations with the retardation models used for this
The top clipping level in Figure 5.5.8
is at 5 exceedances per 1,000 flights, the second level is at 13 exceedances
per 1,000 flights. From these results
and Figure 5.5.7, it appears that an exceedance
level of 10 times per 1,000 flights will combine reasonable conservatism with a
realistically high clipping level. This
supports the arguments given previously to select the clipping level at 10
exceedances per 1,000 flights for both calculations and experiments. The effect of clipping level should be
calculated for a small number of representative cases to show the degree of