The direct methods use the results of the general elastic
solutions to the crack-tip stress and displacement fields. For the Mode 1, the crack tip stresses can
always be described by the equations


for plane stress
plane strain


where r and q are polar coordinates
originating at the crack tip, and where x is the direction of the crack,
y is perpendicular to the crack in the plane of the plate, and z
is perpendicular to the plate surface.
If the stresses around the crack tip are calculated by means of
finite-element analysis, the stress-intensity factor can be determined as

where i and j are used to represent various
permutations of x and y.
By taking the stress calculated for an element not too far from
the crack tip, the stress intensity follows from a substitution of this stress
and the r and q of the element into Equation 11.2.30. This can be done for any element in the
crack tip vicinity.
Ideally, the same value of K should result from each
substitution; however, the stress field equations are only valid in an area
very close to the crack tip. Also at
some distance from the crack tip, nonsingular terms should be taken into
account. Consequently, the calculated K
differs from the actual K. The
result can be improved [Chan, et al., 1970] by refining the finite-element mesh
or by plotting the calculated K as a function of the distance of the
element to the crack tip. The resulting
line should be extrapolated to the crack tip, since the crack tip equations are
exact for r = 0. Usually, the
element at the crack tip should be discarded.
Since it is too close to the singularity, the calculated stresses are
largely in error. As a result, Equation
11.2.30 yields a K value that is more in error than those for more
remote element, despite the neglect of the nonsingular terms.
Instead of the stresses, one can also use the displacements for
the determination of K. In
general, the displacements of the crack edge (crack-opening displacements) are
employed. The Mode 1 and Mode 2 plane
strain displacement equations are given by


and by


respectively. The
functions u and v represent the displacements in the x and
y direction, respectively. The
crack tip polar coordinates r and q are chosen to
coincide with the nodal points in the finite element mesh where displacements
are desired. Since the above elastic
field equations are only valid in an area near the tip of the crack, the
application should be restricted to that area.