Section In-Service Non-Inspectable Category
For this example case, no special in-service and no depot level
inspections will be required to protect the integrity of the lower wing
structure shown in Figure 1.3.11. The
implication is that no inspections are desired; however, there are cases in
which the flaw size at failure is so small that such a flaw might easily be
overlooked during an inspection. Thus,
the in-service non-inspectable category covers those cases where inspections
are neither desirable nor practical.
Strength Load, Pxx
From Table 1.3.4, the required level of residual strength Pxx for non-inspectable
structure is PLT. This is the maximum load that could occur in
one lifetime. Example 1.3.3 describes
the method for establishing this load level.
The slow crack growth and residual strength guidelines for this
category are illustrated in Figure 1.3.13. This figure specifically shows that the
initial manufacturing damage is restricted from growing to critical size and
causing failure of the structure due to the application of PLT in two (2) design service lifetimes. Note that the damage limit is the ultimate
failure of the wing. Engineering
judgement may dictate that a more reasonable limit and, perhaps, an easier
situation to adhere to, would be to establish the limit at some intermediate
point, such as the failure of the primary load path panel . This
might be accomplished in design at very little expense to overall weight.

1.3.13. Illustration of
Damage-Growth and Residual-Strength Guidelines for Example Problem Qualified as
Slow Crack Growth Non-Inspectable