Section The J-Integral Resistance Curve Approach
The crack growth resistance curve (KR) has shown good promise for materials where limited
(small-scale) yielding occurs in front of the crack tip. Difficulties in estimating crack tip plasticity under large-scale yielding conditions,
led Wilhem [1974] to an alternate failure criterion based on the J-integral [Rice, 1968]. For a basic introduction to the J-integral see Section 11.
Wilhem’s J-integral
criterion is similar to the KR -curve
criterion; it states that failure will occur when the following conditions are
where J is the value of the applied J-integral
and JR is the value of the
J-integral representing the material
resistance to fracture. The applied
stress (sf) corresponding
to Equation 4.2.5 is defined as the fracture stress. Since the effect of large-scale yielding can be appropriately
incorporated through a suitable elastic-plastic model in the estimation of J-integral, it becomes an effective
parameter for predicting failure under plane stress conditions where the
plastic zone size is significantly large.
The crack resistance curve for the tearing failure is now
represented by ÖJR
vs. Da curve instead of KR vs. Da
curve. The use of ÖJR
rather than JR is justified
by the fact that ÖJ
is directly related to the stress-intensity factor for elastic behavior through
the equation
where E¢ is the elastic modulus (E) for plane stress conditions and E/(1-v2) for plane strain conditions.
different levels of applied load, the J-integral
can be computed using finite element techniques for the structure of
interest for a series of different crack sizes; the ÖJ versus crack length
curve is illustrated in Figure 4.2.12a for a
constant level of applied stress. It is
noted that this curve will incorporate the
influence of material properties (yield strength and strain hardening exponent)
through the finite element analysis. In
a manner similar to the stress-intensity factor type resistance curve, i.e. the
KR curve. The resistance
curve based on ÖJR
can be experimentally obtained [Griffis & Yoder, 1974; Verette &
Wilhem, 1973]. A ÖJR
versus crack movement (Da)
curve, i.e. the J-integral resistance
curve, is schematically illustrated in Figure 4.2.12b. The failure criterion is also based on the
tangency conditions between the ÖJ versus crack length curve and the ÖJR
versus crack movement curve. To obtain
this condition, the ÖJR
vs. Da curve can be
superimposed on the plot of ÖJ vs. a curve
such that at some crack length these two curves are tangent to each other as
shown in Figure 4.2.12c. The corresponding crack length then defines the critical crack size
of the structure for the fracture stress, sf.
Figure 4.2.12. Schematic Illustration of the Individual and
Collective Parts of a JR
Fracture Analysis