Air Logistics Center (ALC) engineers typically need to analyze
structural locations within a component for which no stress history is
available. Frequently, a stress
analysis of these structural locations must be performed based on a strength of
materials approach. One question asked
repeatedly is: What is available that facilitates conducting a simple crack
growth life analysis of these structural locations?
One method that has potential for a relatively large component
is a wide area crack growth rate equation that describes the rate of damage
growth within the area identified. This
section provides an example of how a wide area crack growth rate equation might
be generated and then utilized. The
three transport wing stress histories provide the basis for this example.
To develop a wide area crack growth rate equation it is
necessary to have crack growth life behavior described at a number of locations
within the area of application. The
mission mix and stress sequencing must be the same at all locations
considered. It is anticipated that
crack growth lives might be generated for ten or more locations experiencing
loading conditions which produce similar contributions of damage. For the example, only three locations were
analyzed for the entire wing; however, the approach and interpretation of
results would be similar independent of the component and numbers of location.
As was shown in Figure 9.3.6, the flight-by-flight crack growth
rate behavior associated with the three stress histories was different; the
rate behavior of each was seen to be relatively continuous and parallel to the
others. To obtain a wide area crack
growth rate equation, the analyst must find a method for collapsing the rate
curves into one master curve. This
collapsing can only be accomplished (with confidence) if the analyst
understands the relationship between the damage generation process and the
stress events in the history. The
damage may be generated primarily either by the gust/maneuver cycles or by the
GAG cycles.
Figure 9.3.6 shows that the crack growth rates are ordered for
the three histories according to the number of gust/maneuver cycles that occur
per flight. The data in Figure 9.3.6
were therefore converted to a crack growth rate per cycle basis and
replotted. Figure
9.3.9 describes the result of this scaling of crack growth rates. As is shown by Figure
9.3.9, the crack growth rates are found to collapse to tight scatter band
with the inner wing location behavior forming the upper curve on the band.
Figure 9.3.9. Cyclic Crack Growth Rate Behavior for Three
Transport Wing Stress Histories ![](images/page9_3_3_4/image004.gif)
The collapsing of crack growth rate data observed in Figure 9.3.9 does not always occur when the smax(RMS) parameter is used as the stress
history characterizing parameters. If
the analyst uses a characterizing parameter that does not describe those events
that create damage, one would not expect the crack growth rate data to
collapse. Another good characterizing
stress parameter for the three transport wing stress histories is the root mean
square (RMS) stress range (DsRMS).
Figure 9.3.10 describes the cycle-by-cycle
crack growth rate behavior for the three stress histories where the
characterizing stress-intensity factor (K)
was calculated using
As Figure 9.3.10 illustrates, the
characterizing stress-intensity factor given by Equation 9.3.14 also collapses
the rate data. Additional choices of
the characterizing stress maybe necessary when the damage contributions are not
dominated by a single loading source.
Once a master crack growth rate curve exists, the curve can be
used to integrate the crack growth rate curve at a specific location to produce
a crack growth life curve. Figure 9.3.11 highlights the elements of the analysis.
Figure 9.3.10. Cyclic Crack Growth Rate Behavior for Three
Transport Wing Stress Histories ![](images/page9_3_3_4/image010.gif)
Figure 9.3.11. Schematic of Elements Required to Analyze
for Crack Growth Life at Specific Locations