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AFGROW is a user-friendly, flexible, and intuitive Damage Tolerance Analysis (DTA) framework that allows users to analyze crack initiation, fatigue crack growth, and fracture to predict the life of metallic structures. It is one of the most efficient and widely used crack growth life prediction tools available today. AFGROW was originally developed for aerospace applications; however, it can be applied to any type of metallic structure that experiences fatigue cracking. AFGROW has implemented API-579 stress intensity (K) solutions and burst criterion for fitness for service assessment (FFS) in pipeline applications.

AFGROW includes five crack growth rate models (Forman Equation, Walker Equation, Tabular lookup, Harter-T Method and NASGRO Equation). AFGROW also includes a strain-life based crack initiation capability with a large material parameter database and other options such as: user-defined stress intensity solutions, user-defined beta modification factors, and a residual stress analysis capability.

A variety of useful tools are also included (spectrum filtering, K-solution filtering, spectrum cycle counting, extensive cut/paste capabilities, and output to MS Excel). The AFGROW GUI includes real time crack growth animation, crack length vs. cycle plotting, and crack growth rate model plots with data overlay capability. AFGROW provides COM (Component Object Model) Automation interfaces that allows AFGROW to interface with other Windows applications to perform repetitive tasks or control AFGROW from these applications.

A spectrum generation tool (Spectrum Manager) is also included with AFGROW to assist users in developing and managing load history data to generate a loading spectrum.

AFGROW Users Workshop 2025

An AFGROW Workshop 2025 will be held at the Hilton Garden Inn in in Ogden, UT on September 9-10, 2025.

The purpose of the workshop was to provide a forum for users to share ideas, demonstrate how AFGROW is being used for practical cases, and discuss future development. AFGROW team also provide information on our latest development efforts.

The workshop proceedings are available online.

AFMAT – Fracture Mechanics Database

AFMAT – Fracture Mechanics Database is now available for use by AFGROW, Version 5 Users who have been issued a permanent user license keeps the maintenance current. The database contains data for over 600 materials, 1229 sources, and 11 property types (da/dN, da/dt, KIC, a vs. N, …).

Users must be logged-in to the AFGROW Web site to access AFMAT in the My AFGROW section. An AFMAT database manual is also available to explain how the database may be used. It is highly recommended that Users read this manual prior to accessing the database. Everyone can browse the available list of materials, but only licensed AFGROW, Version 5 Users may perform filtered searches and download data.

AFGROW Release:

Registration is required to obtain the current version of AFGROW. Once an AFGROW user account has been approved, AFGROW is available for download on the AFGROW web site via the My AFGROW page. This page is only visible when a user has logged in to their account. AFGROW comes with a free 5-day evaluation license. Please read and follow the installation instructions that are also located on the My AFGROW page.

AFMAT – Fracture Mechanics Database is now available for use by AFGROW, Version 5 Users.

AFGROW European Training and Workshop 2026

The AFGROW European Training and Workshop 2026 will be held at the ZHAW, the School of Engineering, Centre for Aviation, Winterthur, Switzerland in on 15-18 June 2026 (June 15-17 Training, June 18 – Workshop)

The AFGROW european workshop 2014, 2016, 2018, 2022, and 2024 proceedings are available online.

Damage Tolerance Design Handbook

The Damage Tolerance Design Handbook is available online. The Handbook provides specific background data and state-of-the-art analysis methods to assist contractor and USAF personnel in complying with the JSSG-2006 intricacies.
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