Suggested Improvements 22 January 2009 Administrator General, New Features (0) Suggested AFGROW Improvements [More]
New AFGROW Features 22 January 2009 Administrator General, New Features (0) Spectrum Filtering Options: Tension and Compression Modification This will allow users to adjust spectrum tension and compression values independently. The primary purpose of this capability is to allow users to model interference fit pins as a pre-load which may be considered to be a function of c... [More]
Curve Fit Crack Growth Rate Data 07 January 2009 Tom-Deiters Life Prediction (0) (NASGRO 3 versus NASGRO 4?) The real question that needs to be asked is: where is the “dadN test data” upon which the NASGRO 3 and NASGRO 4 databases are based? I’ve heard arguments about the differences in the Forman equation for years now and believe we have become blinded... [More]