Spectra – to count or not to count - one mystery sorted 15 January 2013 Tom-Deiters Spectra (0) This subject does not strictly apply to the nuts and bolts of AFGROW but really applies to all damage accumulation schemes. It is a subject that occurs frequently enough that a discussion should be presented. Questions continue to arise with respect to spectra. One is in respect to cycle counting... [More]
Load Interaction Models - Retardation Models - Something to think about 05 March 2012 Tom-Deiters Life Prediction, Retardation (0) It goes without saying that load interaction is important if the life prediction is to represent reality and not simply be a go no go measure. Often times go no go is good enough. But a lot of the time in the management of aging fleets, a real life prediction can be the difference betwee... [More]
Curve Fit Crack Growth Rate Data 07 January 2009 Tom-Deiters Life Prediction (0) (NASGRO 3 versus NASGRO 4?) The real question that needs to be asked is: where is the “dadN test data” upon which the NASGRO 3 and NASGRO 4 databases are based? I’ve heard arguments about the differences in the Forman equation for years now and believe we have become blinded... [More]