AFMAT Update - March 10, 2023 10 March 2023 Alex-Litvinov Material data (0) We have added more fitted crack growth rate data to the AFMAT database.CDA172 BECU-T Lab air C-L Ro [More]
Finding Equivalent Crack Growth Rate Data for Similar Steel Alloys Paper 09 April 2015 Alex-Litvinov AFGROW Tips and Tricks, Rules of Thumb, Material data (0) A short article entitled: “Finding Equivalent Crack Growth Rate Data for Similar Steel Alloys” is now available for download. The article summarizes a method that may be useful when looking for an appropriate crack growth rate model for a material that is not directly available in AFGROW. The articl... [More]
Curve Fit Crack Growth Rate Data 07 January 2009 Tom-Deiters Life Prediction (0) (NASGRO 3 versus NASGRO 4?) The real question that needs to be asked is: where is the “dadN test data” upon which the NASGRO 3 and NASGRO 4 databases are based? I’ve heard arguments about the differences in the Forman equation for years now and believe we have become blinded... [More]