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AFGROW European Training and Workshop 2018 proceedings and notes
This was the third AFGROW European Workshop with 22 attendees representing the Industry and
Academia. We would like to express our deepest thanks to Prof. Michel Guillaume for hosting the Workshop, as well as the ZHAW School of Engineering, Centre for Aviation for providing the Workshop location.
The agenda for the Workshop is shown below:
8:00 | Welcome and Introductions
8:30 | AFGROW Release 5.3 (New Features and Capabilities)
9:30 | Discussion
10:00 | Break
10:15 | Spectrum Management Tool
11:00 | AFMAT Fracture Mechanics Database
11:30 | Using a Common Material Database with AFGROW
12:00 | Lunch
1:00 | Presentation (Pilatus – TBD)
1:45 | Break
2:00 | Challenges of Material Fatigue in the 21st Century – ZHAW, School of Engineering
Michel Guillaume, Markus Gottier, Silvain Michel
3:15 | Break
3:30 | Discussion on Future Developments for AFGROW
4:00 | Discussion
4:30 | Adjourn
The Workshop provided an excellent opportunity for feedback from our European customers, and was a fantastic opportunity for colleagues to get together and discuss interesting developments in the Industry.
We will be considering these areas of interest for incorporation in future AFGROW releases. We will also
provide feedback on our progress in each of these areas.
The Workshop presentations are available for download.
- Download ZHAW Welcome and Introduction presentation
- Download AFGROW Spectrum Manager 1.1 presentation
- Download The Redesigned AFMAT presentation
- Download Using a Common Material Database with AFGROW
- Download Pilatus Review of Relevant Changes on Lug Model presentation
- Download Challenges of Material Fatigue in the 21th Century presentation