AFGROW release 5.04

We are very happy to announce the release of AFGROW, Version 5.4 with several exciting new features and capabilities. It has taken more time than originally anticipated because some of the changes were complex and extensive. In the end, these changes have dramatically improved the capabilities of AFGROW. We expect to get a lot of user feedback that will likely result in minor changes over the next few months. The significant changes include:

  • Advanced Model solution for combinations of corner and through cracks at a hole.
  • New 2-D Multisite Damage (MSD) solutions for multiple cracks in an infinite plate (includes effect of fastener loads at adjacent holes).
  • Implemented API-579 K-solutions for cylinders (22 new pressure, weight function, and polynomial based solutions).
  • Added the CorLAS Burst Pressure Model for appropriate API-579 K-solutions.)
  • Preference option for an updated finite width correction for cracks at open holes.
  • New weight function solutions for single and double through cracks at a hole.
  • Added an option for Spectrum Filtering as a function of cycle count.
  • Added the ability for AFGROW to recalculate residual K at each spectrum level.
  • Local material database for the Tabular Lookup model.
  • New crack initiation material parameter database (35 materials).
  • Enhancements and bug fixes for the COM interface and Plug-In models.
  • Spectrum Manager v 1.2 is included in the AFGROW installation.

The new Advanced Model solution for combinations of corner and through-the-thickness cracks at a hole will allow users to model continuing damage scenarios where a larger primary crack transitions to become a through crack while the secondary crack remains a corner crack until it eventually transitions. This can add some additional life that may be significant depending on the initial assumptions.

The new 2-D MSD solutions have been requested by Users for many years. The difficulty has been accounting for the effect of fastener loading at adjacent holes. LexTech has developed a solution to account for this effect and has validated it to approximately 5% for a wide range of parameters. Another complication is the effect of finite width on the solution. The majority of Users provided feedback that a solution for a row of 2-D cracks or cracks at holes in an “infinite” plate would be a welcome and significant improvement to AFGROW. This new capability will allow users to model from 3 to 9 2-D cracks or cracks at holes. In the case of cracks at holes, the center hole includes a primary and secondary crack. The fastener load for the center hole may be different than the load assumed for all adjacent holes. We hope to expand this capability in the future to allow corner cracks.

The new API-579 solutions are a very significant addition to AFGROW. We have been asked many times whether AFGROW is API-579 compliant. Now, we can say “Yes, we are API-579 Compliant.” We are very grateful to our Users in the Pipeline Industry that have made this possible.

Spectrum Manager is now COM enabled so it is possible to automate spectrum generation using Excel or any other COM enabled Windows software. There have also been several bug fixes and improvements to our COM automation and plug-in capabilities.

New License fees for AFGROW are as follows:

  • Single User: $1,650.00,
  • Dongle Option (allows single use on different devices with a USB device): $100.00 plus shipping cost, and
  • Multiple Copies (10 or more): $1,450.00 (each), and
  • Network License (15 or more): $1,450.00 (each).

AFGROW license and yearly maintenance includes:

One hour of technical support,
Free software updates, and
Access to the AFMAT fracture mechanics database

All users with a current AFGROW license (purchased or maintenance fee paid within the last year) are eligible for a free upgrade to Version

There is also an option for an AFGROW Consortium membership ($15,000.00/year) which includes additional benefits: <.p>

  • Up to 15 licenses for one physical site,
  • Unlimited technical support,
  • Priority for added features and capabilities, and
  • 15% discount for training and all other AFGROW events.

The Consortium membership requires a 3-year commitment.

As always, we will continue to improve AFGROW for our customers and we want to thank everyone for your support over the years, and we look forward to your feedback.

Very Best Regards,

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