Spectrum Filters
There are situations in which it may desireable to modify the stress intensity solution for a given geometry depending on whether the applied stress is tensile or compressive. The new sprectrum filters will allow a user to modify the tension and compression values in a given stress (or load) spectrum. This will, in turn, modify the resulting stress intensity solution.
Users may select the spectrum filter option as shown below:

JavaScript engine
While AFGROW includes an option to enter modification factors in the usual tabular form, it is now possible to use JAVA scripting language within AFGROW to calculate the filter values. This will allow for more complex fuctions to be used to define the filters. JAVA scripting tutorials are available on the internet, but a simple example follows:

Example Life Prediction With and Without the Tension Filter

Countersunk K-Solutions
The next AFGROW release will include countersunk stress intensity solutions for a single or double, symmetric corner crack under tension loading.

This is the first installment for the countersunk geometry and has been provided by Dr. Scott Fawaz (USAFA). We understand that many users have been waiting for this solution, and will also be anxious to have the bending and bearing solutions. We will include additional solutions as soon as possible.
Continuing Damage Solution
A new, closed-form solution for corner and thru cracks at a u-shaped notch under tension loading. The solution was developed for edge distances from 0 to 49.5. Bending and bearing solutions are not yet available, but the tension solution should provide a significant improvement in life prediction capability for continuing damage problems.