AFGROW demonstration video 30 March 2013 Alex-Litvinov (0) We've posted an AFGROW demonstration video given at Purdue University in April 2012. It is 52 minutes long, and provides a cursory overview of how to navigate through the interface and perform basic life predictions.
Load Interaction Models - Retardation Models - Something to think about 05 March 2012 Tom-Deiters Life Prediction, Retardation (0) It goes without saying that load interaction is important if the life prediction is to represent reality and not simply be a go no go measure. Often times go no go is good enough. But a lot of the time in the management of aging fleets, a real life prediction can be the difference betwee... [More]
Rules of Thumb 30 September 2010 Administrator General, Rules of Thumb (0) Several Users have asked me to post some helpful "rules of thumb" that may be useful when performing life prediction tasks. While I am happy to do it, I must first state that while I have found this information to be useful, each user must take full responsibility for their own life predictions. Nei... [More]