The weight function technique can be derived using the
definition of the strain energy release rate [Parker, 1981; Cartwright, 1979;
Bueckner, 1971; Rice, 1972]. The
stress-intensity factor is obtained from the difference between the strain
energy of a cracked structure and of the identical structure without a crack,
and is given by:

where the function m(x,a) is the Bueckner weight
function, a function which is unique for the given geometry and is independent
of the loading from which it was derived.
The weight function is defined as a function of
1) material
2) a known stress-intensity factor (K*)
for the given geometry under a defined loading, and
3) the
crack opening n*(x,a)
corresponding to K*:

H is a material constant that is given by:

=E for plane stress
for plane strain
with m = shear modulus and k is defined as a
function of the stress state and Poisson’s ratio (n)
k =
for plane stress
for plane strain
For the infinite plate center crack problem K*, n*,
, and m are given by the following equations:


for -a < x <a


The stress-intensity factor associated with a symmetrical
pressure loading of s(x) on the central crack faces is then given by

The reader is cautioned to note that Equations 11.2.23 and
11.2.12 differ. However, both equations
yield exactly the same stress-intensity factor solution when the pressure
stress s
is a symmetrical function, i.e., the stress at x = xo
is equal to the stress at x = -xo (0 < xo
< a). The reason that
Equations 11.2.23 and 11.2.12 differ is that the Bueckner function in Equation
11.2.12 was derived for a symmetrical loading whereas the Green’s function was
derived for the more general case of unsymmetrical loading. Thus, when deriving the weight function one
should seek to locate stress-intensity factor (K*) and crack
displacement (v*) solutions which are representative of the loading symmetry
associated with the problems that are to be solved.
A weight function for radially and diametrically cracked holes
was developed by Grandt [1975] for through-thickness type cracks. His solution is given by

where KB represents the appropriate (radial
or diametrical) Bowie stress-intensity factor (Sectoin 11.3), and the crack
opening displacement h was obtained from finite-element solutions. The displacements h were described by the
conic section equation:

Here ho is the displacement at the crack mouth
(x=0) and m is the conic section coefficient from

In this instance, Y is the Bowie geometric factor

The finite-element results for the crack mouth displacement ho
were closely represented by the least squares expression

where the coefficients Di are given in Table 11.2.2.
Table 11.2.2. Least Squares
Fit Of Finite Element Data For Crack Mouth Displacement

Single Crack
Double Crack
-1.567 x10-6
1.548 x10-5
6.269 x10-4
5.888 x10-4
-6.500 x10-4
-4.497 x10-4
4.466 x10-4
3.101 x10-4
-1.725 x10-4
-1.162 x10-4
3.485 x10-5
2.228 x10-5
-2.900 x10-6
-1.694 x10-6
Grandt has applied the weight function technique to a number of
fastener-type cracked hole problems.
Using finite-element descriptions of the stress along the expected crack
path for a hole that has been cold-worked (loaded) to a 0.006 inch radial
expansion and then unloaded, Grandt was able to derive the stress-intensity
factor shown in Figure 11.2.11 for a remote stress
loading of 40 ksi. Figure 11.2.11 also provides the stress-intensity
factor solution for a remote stress loading of 40 ksi applied to a radially
cracked hole without cold-working. The
dramatic difference in stress-intensity factors from the two cases has been
shown to translate itself into orders of magnitude difference in crack growth
rate behavior.

Figure 11.2.11. Stress-Intensity Factor Calibration for a
Cold Worked Hole [Grandt, 1975]